LIDD Leadership

We exist to provide solutions to your most complex supply chain challenges and see their success all the way through.

Let's Talk

Chris Hagle

매니징 디렉터

Christopher Hagle is a Director with LIDD’s Design team at our Toronto offices. He is responsible for managing client relationships and leading teams of designer in the execution of projects such as network studies, warehouse designs and implementation, and operational process improvements. He has deep industry expertise in Retail, CPG, Grocery, Alcohol, Cannabis, and eCommerce. Chris began his career on the warehouse floor, supervising distribution operations at Canadian Tire. Soon thereafter, he was implementing process improvements that drove positive value across local and national supply chains. Prior to joining LIDD, Christopher was working as a supply chain transformation executive. He has helped the Liquor Control Board of Ontario and other large North American distribution companies achieve large-scale transformational projects such as distribution centre implementations. Throughout his career, Chris has leveraged his experience to design and implement efficient end-to-end supply chain infrastructure solutions. Christopher holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Management from the Ryerson University.


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