Blog October 1, 2024

Lost in the Algorithm: Prioritizing Natural Intelligence in the AI Era

By Stephan Lauzon

October 1 | 4 min read

Is Natural Intelligence Being Overshadowed?

As I walked the floor of the SIAL Expo in Montreal this past spring, something caught my eye—a booth proudly showcasing its products under the banner of “Natural Intelligence.” In a world where artificial intelligence (AI) seems to dominate every conversation, seeing “Natural Intelligence” (NI) highlighted was both surprising and refreshing. It made me pause and reflect: Are we overlooking the fundamental importance of human ingenuity in our rush to embrace AI? Is that ethical?

The booth’s focus on “Natural Intelligence” was a reminder that sometimes the most basic approaches are still the most effective. While the showcased products might have seemed straightforward—basic planting techniques and manual processes—they underscored a crucial point: not every challenge requires a high-tech solution. Often, leveraging NI can be just as powerful, if not more so, than AI.

In many cases, the solutions that NI provides are more than adequate.

“Human intelligence encompasses intuition, experience, and emotional insight—qualities that are difficult for AI to replicate. “

Consider the challenges we face in the supply chain industry. Complex problems often require more than just data analysis; they need human oversight and creativity. NI is rooted in experience, empathy, and intuition—qualities that cannot be easily replicated by machines. When dealing with complex challenges, ethical decisions, or situations where data is incomplete or unreliable, the human touch becomes irreplaceable. After all, who knows the intricacies of a process better than those who have been working with it for years? While AI learns from data and algorithms, humans learn from social interactions and lived experiences. These are two very different types of intelligence, each with its own strengths.

The first key strength lies in the immense power of human intuition. Engage with your team, value their on-the-ground knowledge, and use their insights to guide ethically-sound decisions that can prevent costly mistakes and drive innovation. This is where NI shines—by filling the human gaps left by AI and providing a holistic view that data and objectivity alone cannot offer.

Another aspect where NI shines is in user adoption. Sylvie Baril, LIDD’s Director of HR, has some particularly salient thoughts about this:

“By involving employees, you impact their adoption of the software and new processes because they feel involved and engaged in its implementation”.

Change management can be a headache when implementing new processes or technologies into an organization – and the best way to alleviate these challenges is to involve the people that will be using it the most.

When did Natural Intelligence Take a Backseat?

Historically, human intelligence has been the cornerstone of innovation in supply chains. Our innate abilities to problem-solve, adapt, and create have driven countless advancements. However, in recent decades, a perfect storm of challenges—a shrinking workforce, escalating costs, and intensifying competition—has compelled organizations to seek more efficient solutions. Enter artificial intelligence. With its promise of rapid data processing, automation, and predictive analytics, the fact that we sometimes overlook NI in favor of AI is not that surprising. The allure of quick wins and tangible results has often overshadowed the value of human expertise. As a result, there’s been a noticeable shift from human-centric to AI-driven approaches.

But I’m Not Here to Pit AI Against Human Intelligence.

Rather than viewing AI and NI as opposing forces, consider them as collaborators. Take a scenario where a sudden surge in orders strains the warehouse’s capacity. AI systems can automatically adjust inventory levels and optimize packing strategies, but they might not fully anticipate the impact of unexpected disruptions, like a temporary shortage of packaging materials.

Warehouse managers, drawing on their experience and understanding of the process, might suggest quick fixes like reallocating resources, prioritizing urgent orders, or negotiating with suppliers for emergency supplies. These human insights help to adapt and fine-tune the AI’s automated decisions, ensuring a smooth operation despite the challenges.

AI systems should be employed when good data is available and accurate predictions are feasible. However, when data is lacking or incomplete, the experience and intuition of human workers provide a necessary counterbalance. I could rattle off countless times we’ve harped on clients for their resistance to change, only to realize they were right all along. Perhaps their “old-fashioned” methods held more wisdom than we initially gave them credit for.

Our drive towards automation and AI, we must remember that the heart of every successful operation is still human. By investing in our people, fostering a culture of innovation, and ensuring that NI is given the respect it deserves, we can create a future where technology and humanity thrive together.

When navigating this new era of artificial intelligence, balancing capabilities is key. If you’re uncertain about how to incorporate AI into your operation ethically and effectively, you may be interested in a comprehensive assessment. Reach out to us at [email protected] or contact me directly to start the conversation.


Keywords: Natural Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Supply Chain, Business Strategy, Technology, Implementation, Change Management


Stephan Lauzon

Stephan Lauzon

Stephan is a Partner in Consulting at LIDD, working out of our Montreal to help clients navigate complex challenges and achieve strategic success. With a long and diverse career in warehousing and supply chain management, Stephan brings valuable expertise to LIDD’s Consulting and Technology practices.

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