Podcast August 9, 2024

The Ins & Outs of Real-Time Inventory Costing

“It’s the End of the Week,” and in our latest episode we dive deep into the world of inventory costing. Join us as we explore how real-time asset-based accounting can revolutionize your supply chain management and drive growth.

Mastering Supply Chain Management with NetSuite & Real-Time Inventory Costing

At its core, this approach involves continuously tracking the value of your inventory as it moves through your supply chain. Unlike traditional methods that rely on periodic physical counts and manual adjustments, this approach provides real-time visibility into your inventory levels and costs. By making informed decisions based on accurate data, you can optimize your operations, reduce costs, and improve profitability.

The Challenge of Traditional Methods

Historically, businesses relied on periodic inventory checks and manual calculations to determine inventory value. This approach was time-consuming, error-prone, and often led to inaccurate financial reporting. As a result, companies faced challenges such as stockouts, excess inventory, and difficulty securing financing.

Modern ERP systems like NetSuite have transformed inventory management by enabling real-time asset-based accounting. This means that every inventory movement, from purchase to sale, is recorded and valued immediately. This approach offers several key benefits:

  • Enhanced accuracy: Real-time data ensures that your inventory valuation is always up-to-date.
  • Improved decision-making: Accurate inventory information empowers you to make informed decisions about purchasing, production, and pricing.
  • Optimized cash flow: By avoiding stockouts and excess inventory, you can optimize cash flow.
  • Better financial reporting: Real-time data leads to more accurate and timely financial statements.

Transitioning to Real-Time Inventory-Based Accounting

While the benefits are clear, transitioning to a real-time system requires careful planning and coordination. It’s essential to involve both accounting and operations teams to ensure a smooth implementation. By aligning processes and data, businesses can reap the rewards of accurate and efficient inventory management.

Want to Learn More?

To delve deeper into the approach and its impact on supply chain management, tune in to the full episode of “It’s the End of the Week.” Our discussion with industry experts offers valuable insights into optimizing ERP implementations and enhancing your accounting practices.

The Full Episode:

Listen: Anywhere you get your podcasts.

If you have more questions about NetSuite and mapping out supply chain management, reach out to us at LIDD.com/contact.

Keywords: NetSuite Supply Chain Management, Inventory Based Accounting, ERP, NetSuite, Inventory Management, Inventory Valuation


Check-out this guide from NetSuite for more information

Inventory Cost Accounting: Methods & Examples | NetSuite

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