Blog September 18, 2018

Data Back-up Strategy: ABC, Easy as 3-2-1

September 11, 2018 | Emilio Colangelo

Supply Chain Data: The “3-2-1 strategy” is the best practice for backing-up your important data – personal or business – and it’s quite simple.

You should keep:

• 3 copies of your data
• 2 copies on-site using different storage types
• 1 copy off-site

For an example, let’s take Bill, a self-proclaimed pit-master with a poor memory. Bill has just created a special BBQ chicken spice rub. Afraid to forget the recipe, he heads to his personal computer and records it. Despite his poor memory, Bill recalls the simple as ABC, 3-2-1 backup strategy.

The following diagram illustrates how Bill plans to follow the 3-2-1 guidelines.

data warehouse technology

• He will save 3 copies of his recipe.
• He will save 2 copies of his recipe on 2 storage types, at home. If his computer crashes, Bill will be able to access his recipe quickly by using his external hard drive.
• He will store 1 copy off-site, in the cloud. If something were to happen to Bill’s house, he would not lose his recipe. Having a copy stored on the cloud will give Bill access to his recipe from any device.

It may seem like too much but it’s good practice to be prepared for any unexpected mishaps in the future. This applies especially to data that plays an integral part in your business operations. So, safeguard your work and avoid a potential crisis in the future.

Reach out to the LIDD team to learn more about supply chain data management and optimizing your warehouse operations.

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